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10 Things to know before visiting Meteora in 2022

10 Things to know before visiting Meteora in 2022

half-day-tour-sunset 2018-02-03T19:36:34+00:00 , ,

Here are 10 things to know before visiting Meteora in 2022: 1. Book early if possible For Greece 2019 was a record year for tourism with over 32 million visitors. Of course, those numbers reflect pre-pandemic levels, but even in 2021 we almost rebounded to pre-pandemic numbers. For 2022 tourism experts expect a rise reflecting Greece’s


The Minyans: The story behind the myth (Part 2)

The Minyans: The story behind the myth (Part 2)

Minyans 2015-01-08T13:11:19+00:00

Continuing from Part 1 In this second part, we attempt to investigate any connections of the pro-Greeks Minyans to Meteora and the possibility of incredible ancient engineering feats lurking hidden right under our noses. In the first part, we investigated the massive engineering project that these prehistoric people undertook in Lake Kopais, at a period

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