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10 Things to know before visiting Meteora in 2022

10 Things to know before visiting Meteora in 2022

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Here are 10 things to know before visiting Meteora in 2022: 1. Book early if possible For Greece 2019 was a record year for tourism with over 32 million visitors. Of course, those numbers reflect pre-pandemic levels, but even in 2021 we almost rebounded to pre-pandemic numbers. For 2022 tourism experts expect a rise reflecting Greece’s


Meteora Code of Ethics

Meteora Code of Ethics

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Read the Code of Ethics for responsible tourism   By choosing to visit Meteora you’ve made a choice to visit above all a holy place! A centuries-old monastic community with monks and nuns who still practice their faith and ancient rituals. It is one of the most important monastic centers of the Greek Orthodox Church


Tips and ideas for your visit to Meteora in 2022

Tips and ideas for your visit to Meteora in 2022

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Things to do and what to see at Meteora Plan to visit Meteora in 2022 and you are not sure which is the best itinerary for your travel plans? You are in the right place! Below we give some tips and ideas on how to better organize an itinerary for your trip to Meteora. One


Meteora Video: What to See and Do

Meteora Video: What to See and Do

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Meteora is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the name literally translates into ‘suspended in the air’. Here in this video, David shows and tells us what to see and do in Meteora. Situated in Thessaly, Meteora lies at the heart of mainland Greece. David’s Been Here is a digital media company meant

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How to travel from Meteora to Delphi

How to travel from Meteora to Delphi

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Importand Notice: Due to the current situation with Covid-19 pandemic and the reduced visitors flow the bus company does not longer run the direct route Kalampaka – Delphi and Delphi – Kalampaka. We will try to keep you updated as soon as the bus company will make an announcement regarding the direct bus connection from


How to book train tickets in Greece online: An illustrated guide

How to book train tickets in Greece online: An illustrated guide

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We know that, when it comes to booking your train tickets online in Greece, the company’s website can be a bit frustrating. Let us guide you through it! The official website of the Greek train company is tickets.trainose.gr. It can be a bit of a pain to book a ticket because some extremely important sections

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