How to Travel to Meteora
Wondering how to travel to Meteora? It’s very easy! It offers exceptional connectivity from Athens, Thessaloniki, and most other parts of Greece. Find below all train and bus schedules if you wish to travel to Meteora, or information on how to get here by car. Meteora being in the center of Greece offers relatively short travel times and distances to most of the country’s major population centers, touristic places, and transportation hubs. It’s an ideal destination to be used as a base to do day trips and tours to nearby ancient sites or to visit Olympus Mountain, Pelion & Volos, or Delphi. There are 3 main ways to travel to Meteora: by train, bus, private vehicle, or a combination of these three.
In the section below we have prepared 3 different interactive maps to explore. We placed on them all relevant travel information you will need to better organize your travel to Meteora or to other parts of Greece. In these different interactive maps for trains, buses, and cars you can click on the routes and points marked to see distances, find departure times, location of train and bus stations, things to see on the way, websites, and contact information of transportation providers.

Travel to Meteora by Train
Trains are more energy-efficient per passenger mile than planes or cars, making them one of the most eco-friendly transportation. Meteora is a destination connected to Athens and Thessaloniki via train, making it easier to travel to Meteora.

Travel to Meteora by Bus
It’s always a bit confusing to find the proper public bus around Greece simply because every prefecture of Greece has its own private bus company. This bus company for Meteora is known as the KTEL Trikalon. Whenever you see (KTEL) this means that you are dealing with one of many such bus companies around Greece. Check the interactive map for buses you most likely need to organize a bus trip to Meteora and around.

Travel to Meteora by Car
Only a decade ago to travel to Meteora and around Greece by car it will be an adventure on its own. Nowadays Greece has managed to efficiently connect the different places by overcoming the obstacle of the mountainous terrain through constructing a modern highway system implementing numerous tunnels and gorge bridges. Drivers now can also use GPS to navigate easily from point to point. Check the interactive map to have a first look at the main routes.

Travel to Meteora from Athens
Athens is the capital of Greece and from it, you have plenty of options to travel to Meteora. Thanks to the Metro system getting a train to Meteora is most probably the easiest way to go. No matter where you are, there will be a metro station nearby and once you are in there, getting to the train station is easy as pie.

Travel to Meteora from Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki on the north lies some 230 km away from Kalambaka and Meteora and it takes just 2 ½ hours to travel that distance with busses, trains or with a private car. There are 2 main routes to reach Meteora from Thessaloniki. The first seaside route is via Katerini-Larissa-Trikala (E75 road). The second is through Egnatia road (E90) through Veria-Kozani-Grevena. The E90 route is considered to be easier with a modern highway in most part and an hour shorter in time while the distance remains the same for both available routes.
Get a Transfer from/to Meteora
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